Started the Iteration 1.03. Among the tasks proposed to be solved during this iteration are scheduled the following:
- Add Cut to depth, improve the current Cut functionality,
- Improve geometric solver and magic points,
- Improve command line, add commands for all shapes,
- Improve application usability,
- Fix the synchronicity between transformations and shape center/location,
- Add two new features: revolve, sweep,
As a lower priority tasks would be:
- Implement constraints, dimensions,
The tasks made during the previous iteration and also released as version 1.0.2:
- Added an Option Dialog to add remove the toolbars,
- Added transform operations: from property grid on each object can be set Translate on x, y, z axis, Rotate around x, y, z axis using also a pivot point, Scale. Translation can be done also using the mouse,
- Added new shapes: circle and spline,
- Reimplemented the ellipse so that the first click is the ellipse center,
- Implemented copy paste,
- Added 3d shapes: Sphere, Cylinder, Cone,
- Added boolean operations: Boolean cut, Boolean fuse, Boolean intersect,
- Improved the installer and the NaroStarter (the tool that among other functionality catches the errors and logs them on Sourceforge),
- Added at the geometric solver detection of parallel lines.