Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spline Added and Working on Fixes

Spline action was added to step actions. In itself was a bit tricky as it should dynamically add steps as the dependency are filled. I also worked to specific bugs as I finish the bxtrx fixes on parser to not state the unknown value for axis but I did not yet find why there is a command line fill will skip updating the screen. I will investigate tomorrow as the causes may be really a few (and I hope to get them).

Updated the nightly build. I also made this nightly build to run in just one step (some changes like updating version may still need to take extra step, but just from svn tree to making a downloadable file it takes just one step from developer standpoint). This is done using a nant script so it can permit some fuzzy logic in it in future, and to be more advanced than the equivalent batch file.

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