Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Command Line Action status

The command line work is ongoing but it took some time but I did tried to advance in a way that right now I tried to create unit tests for commands.
Some bad cases that I need to address are cases like: one user paste a command like: left() and right after paste line(20, 30, | and the command line parser should cancel completely the latest command and switch to line. Also the line should need to be able to use relative coordinates. The right design is the problem.
For a straight command line, the actual design can cope easy with incremental coordinates or to input the values for coordinates from more shapes.
Also the command line do not know how to handle cases like: Axis 3D (which in OpenCascade meaning are just two points) or other shapes. I will have to think to a case. Probably a solution like: shape(shapeName) from NaroCAD's exposed Lua scripting may be appropriate for those cases.
Tomorrow I will be in a plane trip to see Vienna (Wien) Austria so probably a refreshing cold air will make me to have a better mind setup.

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