Monday, March 16, 2009

Started iteration 0.0.9

The tasks scheduled for the current iteration are:

- Rebuild the tree view logic to display references as child nodes, estimated 6 hours,
- Apply on the tree view the model tree changes, estimated 3 hours,
- Propagate tree modifications (parametric modeling for the new data tree), estimated, 1 day,
- Extrude improvements, estimated 2 hours,
- Port Action2D to work with multi click instead of dragging, 1.5 days,
- Port Action3D to work with multi click instead of dragging, 1.5 days,
- Extract 2D actions drawing code to work in 3D (ex: drawing a line in 3D), estimated 4 days,
- Make the geometry solver to work with the data tree, store solver attributes on the data tree, estimated 3 days,
- Add code that displays magic geometry, estimated 1.5 days.

On the iteration will be made also code refactoring, bug fixing and documentation update.


ytjun said...


I know that OCC6.3 have memory leak problem.

Do you have solution or plan of the problem?

Thank you~

bxtrx said...


After we will have a functional version of Naro for sure we will start patching OpenCascade. If we will be lucky maybe until that moment OCC will release an improved version.

Best regards,

Ciprian Khlud said...


I think that OpenCascade in itself is not so leaky. The biggest reason for leaks in OpenCascade is the Handler_[class] structure, which is a reference counted smartpointer. This makes that circular references to not be disposable, and is not a problem of Opencascade per se but is a problem of C++ usage.
We cannot pretend for a such big project as OpenCascade to not have leaks at all. All non garbage collected languages have a potential problem with leaks.
My personal note is: if we use C# references and we avoid Handle_ classes usage, we will keep the leaks low. If we find a functionality that always leaks in OCC, we will try to avoid it, or if is not possible, we will use it, and submit a patch to OCC to be fixed in the next version. (as Mihai said)