Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Actions Code Review (part II)

Going back reviewing code, the code regarding dependencies reduces greatly. This is made by making an analisis of what are needed and how can be used externally. The code will make a clean fundation for making actions to operate much easier with function's dependencies. The code reduces from around 400 lines to 250 and the dependency logic itself reduces to almost a half of code. This is done because dependencies in the past were stored as a tree, which makes the code more complex both to operate and to navigate.

As of tomorrow I will focus on solving all regressions (seems to be none to the moment) and to continue make generating almost automatically of one action that starting from a function's dependency and some annotations to make a complex action as the extrude to work. This will mean that at least for plugins writers, if they will need a pretty new shape, will not need to take in account the document definition. Also, the code of view will automatically be updated. This is all theory, but I already wait to make it happen.

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